TOP Five

Top 5 Effectively Maintain a Gas Stove at Home

The gas stove is the most commonly used household appliance. Even more, in Indian household’s gas stove is the basic cooking requirement. There are different types of gas stoves available in the market. Lastly, the use of a stove is very simple and healthy.

Read through the article to learn about different ways of maintaining a gas stove. Even more, the methods of gas stove maintenance mentioned in the article are simple.

Maintenance tips for Gas Stove

Gas Stove

1. Clean it daily 

The first tip for maintenance of gas stove is cleaning it daily. Even more, we already know the basics of cleaning a gas stove. WE should wait until the gas stove is cold to start cleaning. Further, wipe the gas stove daily with a mild cleaning solution.

Apart from everyday cleaning, a gas stove needs complete scrub once a week. Finally, a gas stove needs to be deep cleaned once a month. However, make sure you use mild soap or liquid solution for cleaning the gas stove.

2. Use hot water to clean the grease. 

Depending on the use of a 4 burner gas stove, it can accumulate grease easily. Even more, cleaning grease from a gas stove is not easy. But with the help of hot water, grease removal is easy. Furthermore, soak the parts of the gas stove with grease in hot water. Add vinegar or mild soap solution to it. Leave the mixture for some time, around 10 15 minutes. Later on, scrub and remove the grease.

3. Remove the caps and burner before the deep cleaning. 

The third tip to remember when cleaning the gas stove is to remove the caps and burner. Even more, after removing the parts, clean them separately. Further, in case burner caps are very dirty, soak them before cleaning. Hence, removing the burner cap and burner head is advantageous.

4. Wipe the gas stove after cleaning 

The fourth and significant tip for the maintenance of a gas stove is wiping it dry. After cleaning the gas stove with water or soap solution, allow it to dry. Even more, wipe the gas stove dry after cleaning it. Further, keeping the gas stove parts dry prevents them from rusting.

5. Don’t move the gas stove while cleaning. 

Usually, when deep cleaning the gas stove, we tend to move it. Avoid moving of gas stove when cleaning it. It is because the moving of the gas stove can shake the gas line. Even more, gas line is way more dangerous than electric line. Hence, make sure to turn off the gas line when possible before deep cleaning it. In case switching off of the gas line is not possible, then don’t move the stove.

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Bottom Line: 

To sum it up, the best gas stove in India is a widely used kitchen appliance. But the maintenance of the stove is very simple. Even more, regular wiping and de-greasing the parts is the best way to maintain it. However, make sure you take the necessary precaution when cleaning it.

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